Dec 16, 2007

Email #2

Chokkay, dum diddly dum...

Sent: Belkron the 472, 6427
Subject: little kids

Dear Gilad,

Why do you hate little kids so much? I mean, you were little once, weren't you? Did you like having guys give you "luring candy", or bribing you into jumping off a cliff in a buisness suit? Anyway, my point is that I don't think you should hate little kids that much. It's just mean.


Dolahbor, Crenshope, Native America, Greece, India

Okay, where are you from Dorrable, Greece or India? Make up your mind already. Anyways, I have my reasons for hating little kids. Why, you ask? Because once, when I was young, I was an outcast at school. One day I was lurking in a corner, when out came this mean boy named Taylor. "Get out of our secret lair now or we'll pound you to smithereens!" Taylor yelled at me. At the time, I was focusing on nothing but meditating, so I didn't hear him until he said, "Well, boys, he asked for it!" He really did pound me to smithereens. Even 40 years later, you do not want to see my face. I mean seriously, you don't. So until next time, send me your emails and I will probably babble on about something completely unrelated.

My face (don't look!)


Anonymous said...

Isin't your face made of soap?

Gilad said...

Well, thanks for pointing out the obvious, Greatnerd. As for it not being attached to my neck, well, that is all explained on my blog, Fickle Pig.

Anonymous said...

Hey, your Fickle Pig blog dosen't exist.

Gilad said...

I know, it existed for about 3 minutes.

Gilad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am failing to receive the message of this blog. What I did realise was that pigs should fly. Visit our website at