So, Socrates, Pretty Much I Am Going To Run The Same Paragraph Through A Bunch Of Different Translators. Comment On Your Favorite.
Paragraph: Hello! I hope this is the right translator because they came out pretty funny. Anyways, I am in an airport and this ugly lady is staring at me and then I am diving. My face does feel better after the massage, but apples don't divide up evenly? I HAVE ONLY 20 more seconds to live. Tell your friends that Pirate's Booty is the most amazing snack in the world. Willem Dafoe is the best and I wish you well in your afterlife.
Translator 1) Hello! In hope this is the right translator because they mixes out pretty Funny serves. Anyways, in am in shape airport and this ugly lady ice staring that CFS and then in am diving. My face sovereignty feel better after the massage, but Apple do n't , up evenly? In GARDEN ONLY 20 more seconds two live. Tell your friends that Pirate 's Booty ice the wine originally snack in the world. Willem Dafoe is the best and the wish you well in your afterlife.
Translator 2) Hello! IN crowd this ice in spite of the fact that right translator because they came procure pretty gafling. Anyways , IN am set on an airport duck this ugly lady ice staring that me duck then IN am diving. My face does feel bedrestilt evening in spite of the fact that a lot of but apples don't dividend hide evenly? IN GARDEN ONLY 20 make merry seconds dates back to live. Is not telling your suitor that Pirate's Booty ice in spite of the fact that most amazing snack set on in spite of the fact that world. Willem Dafoe ice in spite of the fact that best duck IN wish you well set on your afterlife.
Translator 3)Hallo! Jeg håper dette er rett oversetter fordi de kom ut morsomt. Anyways, jeg er på en flyplass og denne stygge damen er stirrer på meg og jeg dykking. Ansiktet mitt virker føler deg bedre etter massasje, men epler ikke dele opp jevnt? Jeg har bare 20 flere sekunder å leve. Fortell vennene dine at Pirate's Booty er den mest fantastiske snack i verden. Willem Dafoe er den beste og jeg ønsker deg vel i afterlife.
Personally, I like Translator 2 the best