Mar 29, 2009

Another Norway Insightment

Well it's been a while and these are always fun. Enjoy.
(Click here for a link to a picture off of MIT's Switzerland Bike Tour site)
(Click here to go to that site)
(Click here to see some random people that I don't know)

Hello there young Padawan learner. My names is John and I have a Ph. D. in fingernail surgery. Also, I enjoy fishing at Waban reservoir and diving into pools full of rabid hamsters. Finally, I like to throw laser pointers into people's eyes. What do you like to do? Also, cookies are good, especially with chocolate. What, and how do you do, especially, she liked pies, but monkey is not allowed to eat that jar of but not too soon after he just don't please he's mine with extra cheese on the side please and thank you.

God dag der ung Padawan lært. Meg navn er John og JEG har en Ph. D. inne fingernail kirurgi. Likeledes , JEG glede seg over fisken for Waban reservoar og guddommelig i vannpytt innholdsrik rabiat hamsters. Til slutt , JEG har lyst til kaste laser viserne i folks eyes. Hva vil du har lyst til gjøre? Likeledes , koke er fint , særlig med sjokolade. Hva , og god dag , særlig , hun likt pies , bortsett fra apekatt er ikke innrømmet å spise det glas av bortsett fra ikke også kort etter han rettferdig ikke gjør det behage he's min med ekstra osten ved siden behage og takk skal du ha Willem Dafoe FTW!!!


Jenny Uglyneck said...

You know, Gilad, I hate to say this, but the girl in that last link is me a few years ago. I am going through a hard stage in my life and to see that I am being humiliated online makes it even worse. I am very sensitive!

Jenny's Abusive Mom said...

HAHA Jenny you're so stupid