Mar 30, 2009

Exploring water

I love exploring the water that I drink. Just think, there could be a dinosaur in there!

Mar 29, 2009

Another Norway Insightment

Well it's been a while and these are always fun. Enjoy.
(Click here for a link to a picture off of MIT's Switzerland Bike Tour site)
(Click here to go to that site)
(Click here to see some random people that I don't know)

Hello there young Padawan learner. My names is John and I have a Ph. D. in fingernail surgery. Also, I enjoy fishing at Waban reservoir and diving into pools full of rabid hamsters. Finally, I like to throw laser pointers into people's eyes. What do you like to do? Also, cookies are good, especially with chocolate. What, and how do you do, especially, she liked pies, but monkey is not allowed to eat that jar of but not too soon after he just don't please he's mine with extra cheese on the side please and thank you.

God dag der ung Padawan lært. Meg navn er John og JEG har en Ph. D. inne fingernail kirurgi. Likeledes , JEG glede seg over fisken for Waban reservoar og guddommelig i vannpytt innholdsrik rabiat hamsters. Til slutt , JEG har lyst til kaste laser viserne i folks eyes. Hva vil du har lyst til gjøre? Likeledes , koke er fint , særlig med sjokolade. Hva , og god dag , særlig , hun likt pies , bortsett fra apekatt er ikke innrømmet å spise det glas av bortsett fra ikke også kort etter han rettferdig ikke gjør det behage he's min med ekstra osten ved siden behage og takk skal du ha Willem Dafoe FTW!!!

Path to enlightenment

Many people believe that enlightenment is 'being in heaven' so to speak. But in fact, it is a 5 by 20 by 100 km area of sky in the exosphere used for robotic pterodactyl testing. It has gotten the title of enlightenment because the pterodactyls look like angels from far away. Only a few, like me of course, know of the actual existence of this facility, which is actually marked by electric fencing which uses the essence of TicTacs and some helium to float, thus protecting the testing area. The pterodactyls used in this area are trained to fly over other planets while dropping bomb after bomb on the surface to see the result, so as you can tell, the program is heavily funded by NASA, which prides itself in blowing up evidence of extraterrestrial life before they can find it. In a tragic case, NASA's rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, crashed together and fell off a cliff into a pit of water on Mars. Unfortunately, the rovers were filled with highly explosive Francium, which when exposed to the water created quite an explosion. The water then dried up. The image of the lake was captured by one of NASA's roving pterodactyls before the rovers entered the pool. Even so, this pterodactyl burned up on reentry to the Earth's atmosphere. Or that's what they think! On that day, I was flying my hot air balloon and happened to be directly under the pterodactyl before it punctured my balloon with its sharp spiky nose and hit me on the head as we both plummeted downward. After 25 weeks of rehabilitation in a hospital, I developed the picture for myself. Also, I met the pterodactyl’s cousin, Velociraptor Bob (also robotic). And I am the only one to know of it today! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Stay tuned next week for my dancing and fire spectacular!

(I don't even get this one)

Mar 19, 2009


A hurricane destroyed my house yesterday. I just looked across the lake, and there was a hurricane right there! My house now is in four different states, and in Zimbabwe as well.

It makes me mad to know that I have been outwitted by nature. I will get you yet!

Mar 18, 2009

Taking Away Gilad At Work: Savor it here

Former address:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Job

After being turned down many times, I had to resort to earning money off of ads on my blogs. So please, for the love of Pete, click on everything so I can afford to feed my dog.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Funny you should mention...

I don't have a job

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dear Readers

If anyone wants to buy some lemonade, drop down to my house in Alaska for some ice cold lemonade, because I don't have a job...

Monday, July 14, 2008

New Job

I have recently gotten a new job, because I was fired from my last one!

I am now employed at Benny's Dirty Labor and Minimum Wage Factory as an assembly line worker! I am making a little more than 6 dollars an hour. Call me if you need my services as a counselor for your problems.

Monday, June 23, 2008

This is definitely my resume

Gilad Yodeler
56 Alaska Somewheres Snowroad
Somewhere in Greenland


Primitive Tactics Academy
  • Learned how to string a bow, shoot arrows
  • Whaling club for 3 years
  • Firemaking 101: The woods
  • Tent-making
Surgery Experience
  • Gutted dead animals in wild
  • Identifying organs class
  • Beaver stews
How I could benefit your company:
  • No PhD's whatsoever
  • No experience
  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Lots of pain required
  • Will eat body after surgery.

Copyright 1943 Thisisdefinitelyaresumecompany Inc.

Mar 17, 2009

Two Strange World Wide Web Features

First is this one, which is definitely a virus.

Next, this one, which I don't even get...

Wait, did i just say that out loud
I meant, uh, well, ok imgonnabreakintoyourhousestonitecyabye!

Mar 1, 2009

The Skateboarding Truth

Finally, it has arrived!
I know how many people have been waiting for this and I am sorry that it did not come earlier.

Here is the truth:
Skateboards are made of dragonfly slices properly prepared in the pits of hell. Carefully glued together, these slices provide a steady surface for the feet of the skateboarder. It comes in handy when doing tricks also.

Out of Jail:Again

After my first conviction, the Court re-thought my innocence and decided that I was guilty. I was forced into two months of community service for my crimes against innocent children. I have just returned from jail and I am very worn out. Tomorrow, I will begin my revenge. MUHAHAHAHAHA! Enable your security systems if you live with children in the general Earth area, they will be in danger.