Feb 11, 2008

Email #6

running gilad_email.exe
oho! i got one!

From: bellytums@fakeadvertizing.com
To: Gilad@yodelers.com
Sent: Kolumbas Day in September
Subject: Aliens do suck

Dear Gilad,
Whats your problem? Do you not realise that aliens do suck? They are so stupid! Anyways, I am very annoyed to see that you disagree.

Disagreeably yours,

Fred Rd.,
Tennesee, Mars
Fred rd. huh? Is that your adress; like you want me to come and stalk you or something. Anyways, I wouldn't be able to because apparently you live on Mars.

Aliens don't suck! If you disagree I will chuck you out of a window, or a roof or something. Unfortuanetly, you have *cough cough* disguised your address so I do not know where you possibly could live. Be ready when I ring that Martian-made doorbell because I'm coming for you.

I am also annoyed that you said aliens are stupid. You know where all those myths about Aliens being great with computers and building UFOs and stuff came from? They are real! I have seen one! So shut up about your "aliens are stupid business". So shut up!

Bartholomew Gorbanolla took that for me


Anonymous said...

jk7s sdk3sz83 ^82sd@8*sk)< &sd"3^%ks83 sk4;0)

Anonymous said...

k83ds*$d8s sd83DeW## ~834`ofd9']} {\|834ks6% @}]83# ^/lsil;> 38s{]9e8_3s

Gilad said...

Umm, is this some form of alien communication?

Anonymous said...

ksty4837cvl8$$^ 234*DFSW%TWB #$%G%GH%^#YHV$< ~TY#Y BN%$ B$%^ $YGHT^^GT% TH!!!!

Gilad said...

I guess its morose code or something...

Anonymous said...

3T4TVG634V43tvn mk%j6B52V y#h$%^b 45B43VY4FGU45N68C45UF
5$^#GSDCN8T38NDXRDFd%@$&/TIICN8 `"m
UIF,M23KLC4R3C V.F.?r345 &5423 5223554 reqfvcdr~dfsf~4c!!!