Mar 30, 2008

The epic of $>:) and <:(

$>:) "hey, you want a punch?"

<:( "no, please don't.."

$>:) "i'm gonna rid you of that nose you got there"
goes in for the punch...

<:o "wait! i have a message for you. your mother is dead!"

$>8-0 "are you serious?????????"

by this time, <:( has managed to run away to the cornfields

$>:-0 "hey, where'd he go?"

<:( manages to get into a UFO he finds in the cornfield

|83{ "grebnhs gragblak pocjeblous bolijacks ghnorblish klboglabv conglaben shiklerbaz?"

|8J[ "bneskak jerbolvic qwesderby vollban!"

the two UFO pilots chuck <:( out of the bottom hatch at 3,000 ft. above ground. The corn softens his fall, but not enough...

<:( "oh dear"

<:( is dead

The moral of this story? Find out!

P.S. (It's the monkey!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There really should be more of these!